Wall Art Blog

Create calming spaces, include coping strategies or simply add feel-good messages to your main thoroughfares.

12 Jul 2024
school motivational quote wall art

Motivational quotes for students

Motivational quotes for students can boost morale, improve wellbeing and encourage a growth mindset. Many of our Wall Art projects feature motivational quotes for students. These phrases are proven to lift spirits, raise aspirations and unite the school community.

school motivational quote wall art
16 Mar 2024
Biophilic Classrooms at Putney High School

How biophilic Wall Art can foster wellbeing in school

Being able to see pictures of plants and nature can make pupils feel more relaxed and healthier More than ever, schools have an increased focus on children’s mental health and wellbeing.

Biophilic Classrooms at Putney High School
28 Jan 2024
Torquay Academy Creative Arts

The arts for wellbeing in children

The arts can play a big part in improving wellbeing in children. If wellbeing in children is at the forefront of your focus as a school, read this!

Torquay Academy Creative Arts
27 Sep 2023
Maths school wall art

How Wall Art can help reduce staff workload

The Workload reduction in schools in England report states that “lowering expectations for classroom displays is one way to reduce teacher workload“.

Maths school wall art
07 Jul 2022
wellbeing wall art for schools

Wall Art to Improve Pupil Wellbeing

Wall Art can help you improve pupil wellbeing and promote positive mental health.

wellbeing wall art for schools
18 Jan 2022
The Grove Academy school map wall art

Environmental anxiety in children

Environmental anxiety is affecting our pupils’ mental health.

The Grove Academy school map wall art
18 Jan 2022

Creating a positive mindset in children

A positive mindset in children is essential to help them thrive in the 21st Century.

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22 Mar 2021

Wellbeing in Schools – advice for teachers

Wellbeing in schools is a bigger focus than ever with pupils returning to school after two extended periods learning online at home.

27 Jan 2021

The benefits of creativity

The benefits of creativity can be enjoyed by people of all ages. There are certainly many benefits of creativity. From its impact on mental health and learning, to the way it creates a sense of connectedness in the community, creativity makes a difference. Here, we’ll take a quick look at a few ways in which creativity can support us in multiple aspects of our lives.

08 Jan 2021
Positivity tips wall art for schools

5 Positivity tips for teachers during the January lockdown

There’s a lot that we can’t control at the moment. And as a teacher or school governor, you’ve demonstrated incredible resilience over the past year. But we know that things continue to feel tough, challenging and exhausting. So we’ve compiled a few tips for teachers to lift your spirits and help you focus on the future.

Positivity tips wall art for schools
02 Nov 2020
feel good spaces

Feel good spaces – our five favourites

At Promote Your School, we’ve created thousands of feel good spaces for schools over the years. Carefully designed Wall Art can transform any area into a positive place to be.

feel good spaces
26 Oct 2020
Chertsey wall art for secondary schools

How Wall Art can motivate teachers

We often talk about the positive impact of Wall Art on pupils. But, did you know that Wall Art can motivate teachers and improve their wellbeing too?

Chertsey wall art for secondary schools
07 Sep 2020
escapism wall art

Escapism Wall Art for Schools

Why is Escapism Wall Art effective? Well, picture this…

It’s a dull, rainy Monday morning. Your pupils are travelling to school whilst glued to their mobile phones. No morning chatter, nothing much to look at and zero inspiration. By the time they arrive at school, their energy is low and their enthusiam for learning is non-existent. And your job of engaging their minds and uplifting their spirits is harder than ever.

escapism wall art
06 Apr 2020

Motivational quotes for schools

Reading motivational quotes can help us remain positive as Covid-19 continues to disrupt our daily lives.

23 Mar 2020
Putney biophilic classroom

Self-isolation wellbeing – turn to nature

Self-isolation wellbeing is more important than ever in light of the government’s decision to close schools for the foreseeable future. If you’re currently self-isolating due to the Coronavirus outbreak, as a teacher, parent or student, it’s important to keep calm and remain positive. However, this can be a challenge when you’re stuck indoors every day!

Putney biophilic classroom
02 Feb 2020

The effect of the visual environment on pupil wellbeing

In recent years there has been a growing awareness of the decline in pupil’s mental health and well-being in our educational establishments and a need to address this in order to improve our children’s health and education achievement.

21 Sep 2018
Make your school a happy place wonderland corridor wall art

Make your school a happy place for your pupils

Is your school visually appealing for your pupils? When they close their eyes and imagine their school will it be a breathtaking, ‘happy place’ with wow factor or will their mental images be of plain, bland walls?

Make your school a happy place wonderland corridor wall art
16 Dec 2016
Improve Pupil's Well-being

Ways to help improve pupil’s well-being using Wall Art

Anxiety and mental health issues in children and teenagers is rapidly increasing. Services like CAMHS are overloaded and Childline recently reported a rise of 35% in calls regarding anxiety issues.

Improve Pupil's Well-being



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