How Wall Art can motivate teachers

BLOG 26 OCT 2020

Chertsey wall art for secondary schools

We often talk about the positive impact of Wall Art on pupils. But, did you know that Wall Art can motivate teachers and improve their wellbeing too?

There are many ways to motivate teachers. And, amid enormous levels of change and uncertainty due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it’s vital to support your teaching staff now more than ever.

At Promote Your School, we work with teachers, school leaders, principals and business managers every day, as we create bespoke Wall Art for their schools. And, whilst the priority for using Wall Art is usually focused on their pupils, we’re delighted at the impact our Wall Art has on these school leaders too.

Here, we’ll share some examples of how Wall Art can motivate teachers. And how to use Wall Art to overcome some common pain points that all teaching staff face.

“Can I say a HUGE thank you to you and your team that have dealt with us. I was absolutely thrilled when I called in and saw the installations going up. It’s so lovely seeing staff and children’s faces as they walk through school and see the changes that have been made.” – Primary School, East Staffordshire

PYS Buckingham Park Primary School values wall

1. Remind teachers of their purpose

What made you decide to get into teaching? Was it the opportunity to shape young minds, develop talent or have a positive impact on a child’s life? Perhaps you’re passionate about lifelong learning and academic pursuits? Or maybe you simply wanted to make a difference to the community?

Sometimes, our purpose and passion for teaching can get lost amid the stress, admin, politics and sheer exhaustion of the day job. As teachers, you face unprecedented challenges with the Covid-19 pandemic throwing regular teaching plans and approaches out the window. If you’ve been teaching for a long time, you might feel jaded, unenthused or lacklustre after years of increasing pressure.

So, it’s time to go back to basics. Take a look at your school values and think about what they mean to you. Many school values focus on resilience, aspiration, determination, tolerance, respect and team spirit. These are all attributes that can benefit adults as much as children. So, by revisiting your values, you may rekindle your passion for teaching and remember the true value of your vocation!

Many schools ask us to feature their school values within large Wall Art murals. And it’s not just pupils who benefit from these visual school values walls. In fact, teachers tell us they enjoy reflecting on their values as much as their students do!

As a teacher, seeing your values represented visually every day, as you make their way between lessons, meetings and lunch breaks, you’ll begin to remember how important these values are. You’ll be reminded of the impact your school values can have on everyone who is a part of the school family. And this can can change your outlook from pessimism to purpose.

2. Reduce workload

As teachers, you have a whole lot on your plate at the moment. And Covid-19 regulations have meant many of your usual practices and materials have been scrapped in favour of safer, but less tangible, teaching aids.

One of the big benefits our Wall Art delivers to teachers is that it can reduce your workload and support teaching methods in the classroom:

Tatty posters and high maintenance displays are a thing of the past! Wall Art is a long-term, sustainable investment to support your teaching methods.

History timeline school wall art

3. Motivational messages

Motivational quotes are proven to incentivise people to believe in themselves, feel more positive and work harder. No wonder motivational quotes are such a popular theme for Wall Art!

But it’s not just the students who find inspiration in motivational quotes. Wall Art featuring motivational quotes can cover a wide range of topics and themes that appeal to children and adults alike. Popular quotes include those from Humanitarians, Sports People, Scientists, Writers, Poets, Musicians and world leaders. We usually try to include an image of the person alongside their quote as this brings the words to life and adds a personal touch to the text.

On a particularly challenging day, teachers can turn to their walls and read motivational quotes to inspire them and lift their spirits. They may encourage pupils to do the same when they’re having a hard time. Teachers can also utilise their motivational Wall Art to encourage difficult pupils or inspire those with low self-esteem or limited self belief.

“It’s the first chance that I have had to contact you as the new term has been so hectic. Just wanted to say a huge thanks for the installation. They are stunning and the finished product has surpassed all expectations.” – Primary School, Middlesbrough

4. Teacher wellbeing

A recent TES article put it perfectly when it said, “The coronavirus pandemic has done nothing to alleviate the pressures we already face daily, and it has absolutely meant that we have had to show ourselves as the highly trained and adaptable professionals we are. The mental energy required to do our job at the moment is staggering.”

Sound familiar? If it feels as though you’re operating at full speed whilst running on empty, it’s time for some self-care. You may have heard about the term “self-care” but not know how to implement it in practice. How do you include time for self-care during the day when your schedule is already stretched beyond capacity?

Our advice? Just take 5.

Find five minutes every day when you stop to breathe, close your eyes, listen to a song, take a walk or simply enjoy a bit of momentary mindfulness. Many schools ask us to design nature themed Wall Art to improve wellbeing and provide a calm space for pupils and staff to enjoy. This is because spending time in nature is linked to positive mental health. So, if your busy schedule means a quick walk around the block or a stroll through the local park is out of the question, you can use Wall Art to bring nature indoors instead.

Why not designate a calm space within your school that can be used by teachers and pupils when they’re feeling overwhelmed? It could be a room filled with plants, comfortable seating and beautiful nature inspired Wall Art.

Or, you could transform a previously uninspiring area into a meditation space or area of escapism. There are loads of ways to create a calm space for self-care, even if that means sneaking into a quiet corner of the staff room with a Kit Kat for a five minute breather!

Putney biophilic classroom


Motivational Wall Art for your school

If you’re keen to use Wall Art to motivate teachers and inspire pupils, get in touch! We can arrange a free, Covid-safe visit to your school to discuss your objectives and assess your available space. Then we’ll put together a bespoke quote based on your needs and budget.

Take a look at our Case Studies section or our online Ideas Book to view more examples of our work!





school motivational quote wall art

Motivational quotes for students

Motivational quotes for students can boost morale, improve wellbeing and encourage a growth mindset. Many of our Wall Art projects feature motivational quotes for students. These phrases are proven to lift spirits, raise aspirations and unite the school community.

Get a free on-site consultation

We’ll visit your school to understand your goals, explain our process and provide you with a no-obligation quote.

Or call 020 7404 3400



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