Ash Manor School Literacy Timeline

Ash Manor Literacy timeline school
Ash Manor Literacy timeline school
Ash Manor Literacy timeline school wall art

We designed this school literacy Wall Art for Ash Manor School.

Know what we love most about this school literacy Wall Art? It’s the fact that we tailored the design to the school’s branding and colours.

So the overall effect is consistent and familiar to students! Read on to find out more about our design process.


Ash Manor Literacy timeline school
Ash Manor Literacy timeline school wall art

School literacy Wall Art

Many schools we work with are keen to encourage a natural interest in reading. So we’re always happy to show examples of our work for other schools for inspiration. But because our designs are bespoke, we’re able to tailor each project to the individual school.

This project was no exception. The designs feature book titles as a timeline through History. So pupils can wander alongside the timeline and see the evolution of literature across the ages in extra large format!

Love reading

A reason that school literacy themes are so popular is because books provide so many opportunities to students. From escapism to aspiration, a good book can totally change a child’s life.

We love bringing book titles to life on schools’ walls. And our Wall Art has a strong academic link too – visual aids are proven to improve learning. So, our Wall Art can boost attainment, whilst transforming your learning environment at the same time.

Find out more

Get in touch to learn more about our bespoke Wall Art for schools! We can visit your school, free of charge, to discuss your goals and review your available wall space.

Then we’ll put together a bespoke quote, based on your requirements and budget. We’ve over twenty years’ experience, so our design process is guaranteed to give you the exact result you want.

Take a look at our Case Studies section to see more examples of our work in action.


Corridor Wraps Library and Literacy Themes Timelines


Abbots Hall timeline wall art

Abbots Hall Primary Academy Stairwell Timeline Wall Art

This beautiful school stairwell timeline tracks the evolution of history. So, from the earliest periods of civilisation to present times, pupils can walk alongside key events and dates.

Get a free on-site consultation

We’ll visit your school to understand your goals, explain our process and provide you with a no-obligation quote.

Or call 020 7404 3400



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