Northdown Primary School Timeline

northdown school timeline wall art
northdown school timeline wall art
Northdown school timeline wall art

We designed a beautiful timeline for Northdown Primary School.

How do you spark curiosity in Primary School age pupils? A visual timeline will certainly help! This beautiful Wall Art timeline has pride of place in a communal hall at Northdown Primary School.

Read on to find out about our design process. And learn why timelines are such a valuable learning resource.

northdown school timeline wall art
Northdown school timeline wall art
Northdown school timeline wall art
northdown school timeline wall art

Primary School timeline

We loved designing this timeline for Northdown Primary School. It’s a visual guide to key events in history, against a colourful backdrop.

We know from feedback that timelines spark curiosity in pupils and encourage active participation in learning. Teachers take their whole classes to stand beside the huge format Wall Art, so pupils can review and discuss historical events with their peers. Timelines are also a valuable resource for teaching chronology, as they show, visually, when events occurred in relation to each other.

Why Wall Art?

Our bespoke Wall Art for schools will totally transform your learning environment. We’ve worked with hundreds of schools to help them achieve their unique objectives through the power of Wall Art.

Our design team is based in London, but we create Wall Art for schools around the world. What makes Promote Your School unique is;

  • our experience – over twenty years in fact
  • consultative – we’ll guide you through the process, step-by-step
  • goal based – tell us your objective and we’ll help you achieve it with Wall Art
  • outstanding service – before, during and after your project goes live

Get in touch

Contact us to arrange a free, no obligation visit to your school. We’ll discuss your goals, budget and timescales.

Our projects usually take about 4 weeks from start to finish, but we can work to tighter timescales if needed.




Abbots Hall timeline wall art

Abbots Hall Primary Academy Stairwell Timeline Wall Art

This beautiful school stairwell timeline tracks the evolution of history. So, from the earliest periods of civilisation to present times, pupils can walk alongside key events and dates.

Get a free on-site consultation

We’ll visit your school to understand your goals, explain our process and provide you with a no-obligation quote.

Or call 020 7404 3400



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