Great Baddow High School – Science Department

Great Baddow High School – Science Department Wall Art
Great Baddow High School – Science Department Wall Art
Science Dept Wall Art at Great Baddow High School

We designed this Science wall for Great Baddow High School.

With a mix of inspiring images and interesting facts, this is a fabulous learning aid for pupils at Great Baddow High School.

Read on to find out more about bespoke Wall Art. And learn about our design process for creating this stunning Science themed mural!

Great Baddow High School – Science Department Wall Art
Great Baddow High School – Science Department Wall Art

Out of this world

A Science feature is great fun to design. And this Wall Art was no exception!

We loved designing the planets against a black space-themed backdrop. It gives the whole artwork a realistic feel – pupils will be transported from the school corridor to a new galaxy.

Great Baddow High School – Science Department Wall Art
Great Baddow High School – Science Department Wall Art

Science for everyone!

We loved designing this engaging Science themed Wall Art! And it has totally transformed the learning environment at Great Baddow High School.

One of the best aspects of working with schools is that each is so unique. So we try and tailor our designs to each school’s individual requirements. This means the end product is as one-of-a-kind as the school and its pupils.

Love learning

The school chose a Science theme to inspire natural curiosity in this field. Instead of hearing about the wonders of the natural world, pupils can see them in action. We featured the solar system and an inspiring quote to “always question, always wonder”.

In this way, we hope the Wall Art will stimulate discussion and encourage pupils to want to know more about Science.

We know that pupils learn better when they’re interested and naturally engaged in a subject. So our immersive Wall Art is an effective learning resource. It’s also a great way to give your school a makeover without any refurbishment needed!


Great Baddow High Science Wall Art
Science Department Decoration at Great Baddow High School

Get in touch

Contact us to find out more about bespoke Wall Art for your school. Science is just one of the popular choices for schools. But our designs are bespoke, so there is no limit to what we can design for you.

All artwork is created by our in-house team, and we provide a fully consultative service that includes design, print and installation.

Check out our Case Studies to see more examples of our work!

Science Stairwell Makeovers Subject Zones Timelines


Abbots Hall timeline wall art

Abbots Hall Primary Academy Stairwell Timeline Wall Art

This beautiful school stairwell timeline tracks the evolution of history. So, from the earliest periods of civilisation to present times, pupils can walk alongside key events and dates.

Get a free on-site consultation

We’ll visit your school to understand your goals, explain our process and provide you with a no-obligation quote.

Or call 020 7404 3400



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