Chailey School Chemistry Wall Art

Chailey periodic table school wall art
Chailey periodic table school wall art
Chailey periodic table school wall art

We designed Chemistry Wall Art for Chailey School.

Chemistry Wall Art is a wonderful resource to spark a genuine interest in the subject. And, this beautiful and sleek design has also transformed the stairwells at Chailey School.

Read on to find out more about our design process and bespoke Wall Art for schools!

Chailey periodic table school wall art
Chailey periodic table school wall art
Chailey periodic table school wall art

Chemistry Wall Art

If your pupils yawn at the thought of learning chemistry, it’s time to get creative with your approach! Visual Wall Art is proven to enthuse and engage pupils in learning, across all subjects.

We’re certain that students at Chailey School in Lewes will be intrigued by their new Chemistry Wall Art designs. And they may start taking the stairs more often, simply to observe the beautiful designs on their stairwell walls.

Stairwells vs. Wall Art

Your stairwells are likely one of the most popular areas of your school. And pupils have no choice but to use them. But many schools don’t realise that their dull or drab stairwells are actually the perfect canvas for learning…

Stairwells are an increasingly popular area for Wall Art. They usually offer large, blank wall space, so we’re able to transform them with beautiful, bespoke Wall Art. You can feature any subject you choose on your stairwells! Timelines work particularly well as students can walk alongside history as they walk up or down the stairs.

Our process

At Promote Your School, we provide a consultative service, thanks to our experienced team and expert knowledge of education.

We’ll design, print and install your bespoke Wall Art, and you’ll benefit from outstanding customer service throughout the process. It’s why so many schools choose to work with us on a repeat basis, as we transform their buildings inside and out.

Get in touch

Contact us to arrange a free, no obligation consultation from a regional team member.

You can also check out our case studies section to see a whole lot more of our work in action!

Corridor Wraps Science Stairwell Makeovers Subject Zones


Abbots Hall timeline wall art

Abbots Hall Primary Academy Stairwell Timeline Wall Art

This beautiful school stairwell timeline tracks the evolution of history. So, from the earliest periods of civilisation to present times, pupils can walk alongside key events and dates.

Get a free on-site consultation

We’ll visit your school to understand your goals, explain our process and provide you with a no-obligation quote.

Or call 020 7404 3400



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