Cardinal Wiseman Catholic School Geography Wall Art

PYS Cardinal Wiseman Humanities Wall Art
PYS Cardinal Wiseman Humanities Wall Art
PYS Cardinal Wiseman Humanities Wall Art

We designed Geography Wall Art for Cardinal Wiseman Catholic School.

Geography Wall Art covers all the aspects of this exciting subject. With world maps and astounding facts and stats, we transformed the school’s walls. And this vibrant design adds interest to the corridors, to stimulate conversation and inspire learning.

PYS Cardinal Wiseman Humanities Wall Art
PYS Cardinal Wiseman Humanities Wall Art
PYS Cardinal Wiseman Humanities Wall Art
PYS Cardinal Wiseman Humanities Wall Art
PYS Cardinal Wiseman Humanities Wall Art

Geography Wall Art

Geography is fascinating, thrilling and hugely exciting. But sometimes it’s challenging to convey this to students when they’re not in the right mindset for learning. So this is where Geography Wall Art can help!

Using strong visual imagery on your walls, your students’ curiosity will be naturally piqued. They can take a trip around the world by following a series of world maps. Or feel the emotional impact of Climate Change as it is manifested before their eyes.

A picture is worth a thousand words

One of the biggest benefits of our bespoke Wall Art is that it provides an immersive learning experience for pupils. The brain processes visual information 60,000 faster than text (source: Visual Teaching Alliance).

So, by using larger than life Wall Art to complement your lessons, you can help students process and remember information.

In fact, their entire learning environment can be transformed through Wall Art. And create a positive learning environment for all.

PYS Cardinal Wiseman Humanities Wall Art
PYS Cardinal Wiseman Humanities Wall Art

Get in touch

To find out more about Wall Art for schools, contact us!

You can view more examples of our work in the Case Studies section of our website. Or get in touch to arrange a free, Covid-safe site visit from a member of our team. Now is the perfect time to begin planning your next school improvement project. And we’re here to guide you through the process, from design to installation.

Corridor Wraps Geography Maps Subject Zones Teaching Rooms


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