Townley Grammar School – magnetic map wall

Grammar School Large format magnetic map wall art
Grammar School Large format magnetic map wall art
Grammar School Large format magnetic map wall art

We designed a magnetic map for Townley Grammar School.

The magnetic map provide an engaging visual learning tool for pupils. It’s also transformed the space into a vibrant and colourful area. Learning has never looked this good!

Read on to find out how we created this stunning Wall Art for the school.

Townley Grammar School Magnetic map wall art
Townley Grammar School large format wall art
Townley Grammar School motivational wall art design
School hall inspirational quote bespoke wall installation

Magnetic Map Wall

“Not all those who wander are lost” – J.R.R Tolkien. This inspiring quote stirs up a sense of excitement at the many places we can discover through travel. And it certainly incites curiosity and a thirst to learn more about the wonders of our world.

So, it’s the perfect addition to the Magnetic Map Wall we designed for Townley Grammar School.

Visual learning

In addition to looking great, the Map also serves as a powerful learning aid for pupils. Being magnetic, it can accommodate all sorts of relevant magnetic additions to engage learners.

Teachers can use the map as a backdrop for engaging Geography quizzes or active learning sessions with the class. Best of all, pupils will absorb and remember information, without even realising they’re learning.

As an introduction to cartography, the map gives context of countries in relation to each other. It also includes flags from all countries, so pupils can begin to associate each with the revelant countries they represent.

Inspiring quotes

We included a few inspiring quotes alongside the visuals to stimulate pupils’ sense of curiosity. When learning Geography, pupils can now see, tangibly in front of them, the endless opportunities that a knowledge of the world can offer.

The quotes invoke a sense of curiosity, engagement and wonder that are all key ingredients for learning.

Wall Art for Schools

This stunning design is just one example of what we can design for schools. We create beautiful, bespoke Wall Art that can cover any topic, transform any space and help you achieve your unique objectives.

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We created Wall Art to share the Science of Happiness with pupils at Downlands Community School. These ten steps reflect everyday activities that pupils and teachers can undertake to make themselves happier.

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