Thomas A Becket Junior School Sports Hall Wall Art

Sports wall art
Sports wall art
Thomas A Becket Sports hall wall art

We designed school sports hall Wall Art!

This is the new and improved school sports hall at Thomas A Becket Junior School. And what a visual feast it is.

We created an ode to physical activity on the walls of the hall. The goal is to inspire pupils to participate in a life-long journey of sports and physical activity.

Sports wall art

School Sports Hall Wall Art

The School Sports Hall at Thomas A Becket Junior School offered lots of blank wall space that was perfect for Wall Art.

We created bespoke designs for the main wall, featuring two basketball hoops that we installed around. Then, we created individual pieces for each of the wall pillars beneath the large windows of the hall.

The school’s leadership team were keen to encourage pupils to take an active interest in physical activity and sport.

Our process

We visited the school to see the space for ourselves and meet with the team. During this visit, we measured up the walls and gave some ideas about how best to maximise the space and the school’s budget.

From there, we put together a quote based on the scope of work and measurements we’d taken.

We guided the school through our design process, offering unlimited amends according to the original brief.

After a pre-installation survey, we installed the Wall Art where it now has pride of place in the hall.

Wow factor

The Wall Art works really well within the space and looks as though it’s always been there! This is the beauty of bespoke design. We tailored the artwork to the school’s preferences and to the exact dimensions of the space.

This also meant we could factor in any tricky areas – like the basketball hoops and large windows.

Wall Art for Schools

At Promote Your School, we have over twenty years’ experience in design and education. This means we’re well placed to guide schools through the process of using Wall Art to achieve their objectives.

Get in touch to find out more about Wall Art for your school. We offer a free of charge, totally no obligation visit to get started. This helps us understand your goals and give you an idea of what to expect from the process.

You don’t need to move forward with the project after that point (although we hope you will!).

Want to chat first? Email us on or call +44 (0) 20 7404 3400 and we’ll happily answer any questions you have.

You can also check out our FAQs and case studies to get a sense of what to expect.


Sports Subject Zones


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We’ll visit your school to understand your goals, explain our process and provide you with a no-obligation quote.

Or call 020 7404 3400



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