Hazelbury Junior School Library Feature Wall Art

Hazelbury library wall art
Hazelbury library wall art
Hazelbury library wall art

We designed a library feature wall for Hazelbury Junior School.

The library feature wall has added an air of magic to the space. And it’s sure to spark curiosity and create interest and excitement for pupils of all ages.

Read on to find out more about our design process and how we bring walls to life with bespoke Wall Art.

Hazelbury library wall art
Hazelbury library wall art
Hazelbury library wall art
Hazelbury library wall art

School library feature wall

Castles, giants and dragons – these are a few characters on the walls of Hazelbury Junior School. But, look a little closer and you’ll find even more hidden gems and curious characters.

We loved designing this bespoke Wall Art for the school. It’s no secret that we are huge advocates of reading. And we’re currently receiving unpredecented demand from schools for literacy Wall Art.

Why Wall Art?

Bespoke Wall Art by Promote Your School can transform your visual environment. And a school library is the perfect space for visual art that showcases popular books and characters that will appeal to pupils.

Pupils can see their literary heroes or unknown characters showcased on the walls in front of them. And this instantly stimulates discussion. Wall Art is a great resource for active learning too.

Find out more

Contact us to find out more about our bespoke Wall Art for schools. We offer a free, no obligation consultation to get your started. During this session, we’ll advise on how to maximise your space and budget. Then we’ll put together a quote based on your preferences.

From there, we’ll guide you through the design process. And finally, we’ll print and install your Wall Art at a time that suits you.

Library and Literacy Themes


Sir Herbert Leon school wall art

Sir Herbert Leon Academy Must Read Books Corridor

A Must Read Books wall is a great resource for sparking curiosity for reading. We featured some of the most popular children’s books in this vibrant design.

Get a free on-site consultation

We’ll visit your school to understand your goals, explain our process and provide you with a no-obligation quote.

Or call 020 7404 3400



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