Buckingham Park Primary School World Map Wall

Buckingham Park Primary School world map wall art
Buckingham Park Primary School world map wall art
PYS Buckingham Park Primary School world map wall

We designed a school world map wall for Buckingham Park Primary School.

The design is fun, fresh and colourful. And it’s a great celebration of the wonderful world we live in! In addition to looking great, the world map design serves as a learning aid for pupils too.

In fact, the more they see the names and locations of countries across the globe, the more easily they’ll remember them. A school world map wall is certainly a fantastic way to inspire learning!

PYS Buckingham Park Primary School world map wall
PYS Buckingham Park Primary School world map wall
PYS Buckingham Park Primary School world map wall
PYS Buckingham Park Primary School world map wall

School world map wall

There’s more to this beautiful design than first meets the eye. In fact, the closer you look at the beautiful, bespoke design, the more you’ll discover. So we hope that pupils will feel inspired to learn about the wider world each time they pass this world map in the school’s hallway.

And we’ve included vibrant images of wildlife to encourage students to learn about animals.

Looking ahead

It’s no secret that our planet is facing a Climate Change crisis that could impact every one of us. For example, according to the World Health Organisation, “Climate Change threatens the essential ingredients of good health – clean air, safe drinking water, nutritious food supply, and safe shelter – and has the potential to undermine decades of progress in global health.”

The more our children can learn about the world and its natural inhabitants, the more likely they are to take actionable steps to protect it. This school world map wall is the first step to educating pupils about their place in this wonderful world we live in.

Buckingham Park Primary School world map wall art
PYS Buckingham Park Primary School world map wall

Bespoke Wall Art for your school

If you’d like to learn more about Wall Art for schools, get in touch! We can visit your school free of charge to discuss your objectives and suggest how to achieve them with Wall Art.

You can also check out more examples of our work in the Case Studies section of our website. Or browse our online Ideas Book for more inspiration.


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