Bishop Challoner School Sixth Form Corridors

We designed Sixth Form Corridors for Bishop Challoner School in London.
These Sixth Form Corridors feature bespoke Wall Art. We’ve incorporated images and inspirational quotes across various subjects. There’s also a nod to the school’s Catholic Faith and values system. So the design provides a well rounded visual guide for students as they make their way through the corridors.
Read on to find out about our process for bringing the Sixth Form Corridors to life!

Sixth Form Corridors
Let’s talk about why Wall Art works well for Sixth Form Corridors. For a start, it’s really important to provide a positive learning environment to engage young minds.
Furthermore, learning happens when students are in a collaborative and curious state of mind. So, by providing visual stimuli on the walls of their learning environment, you’ll invoke natural curiosity.
Finally, if your school offers a rich and diverse Sixth Form curriculum, Wall Art can complement the content. For example, you can include quotes from some of the famous faces associated with each subject.
This provides a human element to the subject that is more likely to appeal to students than reading about them in a text book.
Character and values
Your school values are also a wonderful tool to inspire learning. We encourage schools to feature their values, beliefs or ethos within their Wall Art. This provides a consistent set of guidelines that students need to abide by. And it can remind them of their purpose within your school. In this way, students will be in the right frame of mind for learning, not just in the classroom but socially, morally and aspirationally alongside their peers.
Wall Art from Promote Your School
We’ve been working in education for over 20 years and have continued to learn and evolve as the landscape has changed. Because we talk to schools almost every day, we have a well rounded view of what really matters to senior leaders, teachers and business managers. For this reason, we’re able to provide a fully consultative service to our clients.
We create all designs in-house and bespoke to each individual school. The design process is structured but flexible to each school’s requirements and preferences. We also offer unlimited revisions on designs, so schools only need sign off when they’re 100% happy.
Learn more
To find out more about our work, visit our Case Studies section or watch our video. Then, once you’re clued up on who we are and what we do, get in touch for a chat.
We’re happy to visit your school free of charge to discuss your school improvement goals. And we can make suggestions and give guidance on how to get the most from Wall Art.
Bring your school’s walls to life and create a positive learning environment for all!