
Here you’ll find a collection of useful education resources to support learning, pupil wellbeing and school improvement. At Promote Your School, we design Wall Art for schools, nurseries, colleges and universities around the world.

School Funding

With school budgets tighter than ever, schools and academies need to be innovative and imaginative in generating their own additional incomes to supplement budgets. Here’s a selection of funding opportunities to help you achieve your school improvement goals.

Please note, we are not affiliated with any of the organisations mentioned below.

Trust and school improvement offer
What improvement support schools and trusts can get in the 2022 to 2023 academic year.
Condition Improvement Fund
Information for academies, sixth-form colleges and non-diocesan Voluntary Aided (VA) schools about the Condition Improvement Fund (CIF).
Schemes for financing schools
Statutory guidance for local authorities on producing and amending school financing schemes.
Funding for school buildings and land
Find out more about Capital funding, Condition Improvement Funds, Priority School Building Programme and Early Years Capital Fund.
Engineering Education Grant Scheme
The Engineering Education Grant Scheme (EEGS) supports projects which increase engineering knowledge, improve wider engineering literacy and bring about a better understanding of the role of the engineer.
School Funding Service
School Funding Service work with School Business Managers, Head Teachers and support staff to show you how to win funding.
Grants for Schools (buildings)
Review case studies of schools that have successfully applied for funding to learn more about what you could apply for to fund a Wall Art project.
Fund Ed Magazine
Fund Ed magazine is full of great ideas on what grants are currently available and how to access them.
Community Fund
This article looks at the support and funding available to communities.
Sport England
This article shares the latest Coronovirus information and support available.
Funding excellent organisations and outstanding projects to improve the civic health of society.
Princess Trust
If you're looking for support from other organisations, below you can find funding options from across the UK.
Funding Grants
This website is designed and constructed to help assist primary schools to receive funds and is also totally free.
Go Fund Me
Fundraising for the people and charities you care about.
This website is the home of school fundraising options available.
PTA Fundraising
A one-stop resource for PTAs to innovate fundraising programs, improve school and PTA operations, and enhance the well-being of students.
Easy Fundraising
Easyfundraising® is the UK’s biggest charity shopping fundraising site.
Just Giving
This website shows you how you can make a difference together. Raise money or make a donation. 0% platform fees.
The Foyle School Library Scheme
Schools can apply for between £2,000 and £10,000. The majority of given funds are awarded for physical library/reading books.

Education Resources

This is a collection of the latest education resources for those involved in education. This includes events and initiatives you might like to know about.


Bookmark Reading Charity
Develop a whole school reading culture and embed reading for pleasure into the lives of your pupils with Bookmark's 'Your Story Corner' pack.
BookTrust Children's Laureate 2022-2024
Award-winning poet, playwright and author Joseph Coelho is the Waterstones Children's Laureate for 2022-24.
Wall Art Ideas Book
Browse the eighth edition of our Wall Art Ideas Book! Be inspired and find out what's possible.
The Reading Agency
Bristol Libraries are giving local schools the chance to win literacy Wall Art, donated by Promote Your School in partnership with The Reading Agency.
How to improve literacy
Encourage a lasting love of literature with literacy and library Wall Art by Promote Your School.
Place2Be - Mental Health suppport
Place2Be is a children’s mental health charity with over 25 years’ experience working with pupils, families and staff in UK schools. - latest info
Ofsted - Latest documents in 2022

Sources of Income

Schools need to run much more like businesses these days! Generating income is one of the biggest challenges faced.

Budgets alone are not enough so using your school building, facilities and other offerings to raise more money is essential. Letting school halls, sports facilities, playgrounds and charging for the use of your car park on evenings and weekends are all popular ways to do this and can help fund Wall Art, which in turn will make your building more ‘sellable’ as a letting option to potential users.

How schools can generate their own income
This article looks at generate income by opening your doors to the community.
This article sets out ways to generate extra money using a school's existing resources and links to further information on these approaches.
Edu Spot
This article reveals 10 ways for your school to make extra income.
Read more to discover 5 Quick Ways To Increase Your School’s Revenue.
UHY Chartered Accountants
How can your academy school generate additional income?

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