Inspiring Learning Through Wall Art – Lee Chapel Primary School

BLOG 18 JAN 2024


We have worked on multiple Wall Art projects for Lee Chapel Primary School, since 2015. This video highlights the impacts of our work for both the pupils, and the teaching staff.

Each of these projects was completed to help the team at Lee Chapel Primary achieve a specific goal. We carefully considered the outcomes they wanted against the available space and budget we had to work with.

The incremental nature of the school’s commitment to school improvement meant that they were able to review each completed Wall Art project before moving to the next at a later stage. This allowed them to assess what worked best on each project, so they could take that insight forward into the next phase.

Lee chapel history corridor

We worked closely with the team, visiting the school many times in person to ensure we fully understood the brief for each project, were familiar with the available space for the project, and our designs were aligned to the school’s curriculum, values, academic goals, branding and tone of voice.

Here’s how our Wall Art has benefited Lee Chapel Primary School.

Immersing children in their learning:

Our Wall Art is something different from the ordinary. Teachers at Lee Chapel Primary School note how children repeatedly engage with the Wall Art. Pupils are often seen reading quotes, studying a timeline for history or a map for geography.

‘The Wall Art benefits our learning because it gives you that little surge of inspiration and hope.’

Pupil, Lee Chapel Primary School

Value for money:

Our Wall Art is built to last for years and reduces maintenance time and costs. Our Wall Art will look as pristine at the end of year five as the day it was installed, and saves teachers the time of repeatedly thinking about how the walls will be covered.

‘It’s had a massive impact on our budget. It’s allowed us to focus costs that we normally spend on maintenance and repair work on stuff that will actually benefit the children.’

Daniel Ellis, Deputy Head Teacher, Lee Chapel Primary School

‘I foolishly once went to a different company. It lasted less than two years.’

Sue Jackson, CEO, Lee Chapel Multi Academy Trust

 Lee-chapel underwater wall art

A positive environment:

Our Wall Art has made Lee Chapel Primary School a brighter, happier place for children to learn. The children are proud of their building and want to look after it.

‘Visitors to the school go “Wow!”’ Ofsted recently visited and described it as “a stunning learning environment.’’

Sue Jackson, CEO, Lee Chapel Multi Academy Trust

Lee Chapel dinosaur stairwell

Straightforward project delivery:

Our collaborative approach means we make working with us as simple as possible for our client schools. We provide end-to-end project delivery, from design through to installation, which is why Lee Chapel Primary School has chosen to work with us on so many projects.

‘I’m about to build a new school, and the first company who’s going to work on that school is going to be Promote Your School.’

Sue Jackson, CEO, Lee Chapel Multi Academy Trust

How we can work with you:

While some schools are very clear on the type of Wall Art they want, having used our extensive portfolio for inspiration on design styles, other schools have a goal in mind, but aren’t sure how to achieve it with Wall Art. We can help you in both cases and pride ourselves on providing a consultative service to schools.

Keen to look for inspiration right now? Flick through our Ideas Book, or request your printed copy here.

We look forward to supporting you in your next Wall Art project.

Get in touch to arrange a free consultation:

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Email us: wallart@promoteyourschool.com

Call us: +44(0)20 7404 3400

Lee Chapel theatre wall art

Maintenance School Improvement Testimonials Work-life balance


Science timeline wall art

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We’ll visit your school to understand your goals, explain our process and provide you with a no-obligation quote.

Or call 020 7404 3400



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