School Wall Art – made to last many years

BLOG 18 OCT 2023

Kings Cross Academy book title wall art

Nine years later, our School Wall Art still looks as good as new.” Mrs Payne, Headteacher at St Joseph’s Primary School

For over 10 years, we’ve created bespoke School Wall Art for thousands of schools. So we know first-hand that it is designed to last.

Investing in quality, bespoke Wall Art isn’t just transformative. It’s also a cost-efficient asset. It requires zero upkeep and won’t need to be replaced in a few months time, unlike many traditional school display options.

One-time investment = quality and longevity

Temporary visual displays, such as posters, become worn and dated after a short time. So you’ll need to replace them regularly. The repeated costs for materials, stationery, adhesive and printing – along with valuable staff time spent organising them – quickly add up. This means these displays are an expensive purchase in the long run.

Equally, relying on painting and decorating walls to keep them looking clean and fresh is another costly process. And it needs to be repeated regularly. Painting and decorating is also time-intensive and has many practical implications. For example, painting has to be done out of school hours and often involves the temporary closure of the decorated areas, due to paint fumes.

In comparison, while the initial outlay for School Wall Art is a front-loaded investment, it’s one that offers excellent value over the lifecycle of the product. Even more so when compared to traditional temporary displays or painting and decorating.

We print our Wall Art on premium, industrial-grade, durable materials. It is specifically designed to withstand the wear and tear, spills and heavy footfall of busy schools. Our Wall Art is also wipe clean, making upkeep quick and easy.

Burwell village history timeline wall art

Timeless bespoke designs

The high-quality materials of our Wall Art endure. And, with over 10 years’ experience of creating Wall Art specifically for schools, our bespoke designs stand the test of time, too.

Bespoke Wall Art is tailored to your school and your unique preferences. We use our expertise and years of working in education to guide you towards the best content to help make your Wall Art work for you. Created individually, you can be confident we’ll align your Wall Art to your curriculum, brand, objectives and key messages, so the relevance will last.

We will support you throughout the whole design process to ensure you get the Wall Art that solves your problems, has the greatest impact and provides longevity.

We make it for you – we make it to last.

Selby high school curriculum school wall art

Improve learning outcomes now and beyond

“Students who study in a positive learning environment have been shown to be more motivated, engaged and have a higher overall learning ability.”
UCAS 2019

Curriculum-based displays can complement teachers’ lessons and engage pupils. Designs that present facts and information to pupils in a visual way mean pupils are more likely to absorb and remember the information within them.

Wall Art encourages pupils to engage actively in the content: to ask questions, be curious and extend their vocabulary. Walking through corridors with subject-related designs can also help pupils find their way around the school, and get into the right mindset for learning.

A calm, positive, visually appealing school can raise aspirations, nurture student creativity and support wellbeing. Inspiring quotes and messages go a long way to motivate pupils to have a positive attitude to learning and to life, and to dream big about their futures.

Wall Art is a transformative, long-lasting and cost-effective solution.

Our high-quality bespoke designs will;

This can pay dividends for your pupils.

We will print and install your Wall Art using only premium-grade materials, so it’s  perfect for withstanding busy school environments. The benefit for staff is tangible too. You can expect to see a reduction in staff’s valuable time being spent on producing, repairing and replacing temporary displays.

Ilford county high school maths wall art

Wall Art – Our Process

Headteachers, school business managers, estates managers and other senior school leaders approach us to help them achieve their aspirations.

First, we’ll understand their goals, then discuss the kind of Wall Art that will best suit their needs and available space.

Once we understand the goal and areas to work with, we’ll measure up the space. This helps us put together a quote based on the scope of work required.

From there, we’ll guide the team through our design, print and installation phases. We provide outstanding customer support from start to finish – and this is why so many schools work with us on a repeat basis.

Get in touch to discuss your goals and find out how we can help you achieve them with our bespoke Wall Art.


Call: +44 (0) 20 7404 3400


Maintenance School Improvement Work-life balance


Science timeline wall art

5 Stunning Science Displays for Schools

Science Displays can spark curiosity and inspire learning. Here are 5 Science Displays that show the power of long-lasting, bespoke Wall Art for Schools. We created these displays to inspire the next generation of future Scientists.

Get a free on-site consultation

We’ll visit your school to understand your goals, explain our process and provide you with a no-obligation quote.

Or call 020 7404 3400



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