West Acton Primary School Canteen Wall Art
School Canteen Wall Art encourages healthy habits and a sense of community.
Some inspiring imagery and positive messages can motivate pupils to engage in respectful habits during school mealtimes. School Canteen Wall Art will also transform your communal space and bring life to dull or disinteresting walls.
School dinners have never looked this interesting!
Sustainable ways
If you’re keen to support students on their journey towards sustainability, some relevant messaging can help. Offering reminders to recycle and avoid wasting food can serve as a prompt to reinforce good habits.
This can help you achieve your sustainability goals as a school and help pupils develop their consciousness of the world around them.
Our School Wall Art is designed for busy school environments and printed on premium, durable materials. So it will last many years
This particular design for West Acton Primary School in London depicts a fun and whimsical atmosphere. We’ve brought lunchtime to life by transforming fruit, vegetables and pastries into quirky little creatures and sealife.
This gives an overall feeling of being at the seaside and sets the tone for happy mealtimes amongst students. Our designs are all custom made, so we take great care to ensure the imagery and messaging is perfectly tailored to your students.
School Canteen Wall Art
We loved designing this School Canteen Wall Art for West Acton Primary School. If you’d like to spruce up your canteen, or any other area of your school, get in touch!
We design bespoke school Wall Art for walls, windows, doors, floors, signs, external buildings and anywhere else you can imagine! Visit our Case Studies page to view more of our work.