School decoration ideas for education leaders

BLOG 20 JUN 2024

school decoration ideas

Looking for school decoration ideas to transform your learning environment?

These school decoration ideas will boost morale, inspire learning and enhance any area of your school. From curriculum based designs to wellbeing walls, we have ideas to help you achieve your unique goals.

If you’re keen to transform your learning environment, read on…

Peeling paint

Many schools, especially those in older buildings, often opt to paint their walls regularly to keep them looking good. This can be time consuming and costly. Also, walls tend to be one colour (usually white), which isn’t the most inspiring look for pupils.

Permanent, bespoke Wall Art is a fantastic alternative to painted walls because it requires zero upkeep and will last many years. It’s also wipe-clean for any spills and scuffs. So it’s perfect for busy school environments. Your Wall Art can serve as a learning aid too, focusing on one subject, multiple or all elements of your curriculum.

school decoration ideas

External fences

If your school fences are looking worn and tatty, it might be time for a refresh. There are a number of school decoration ideas that apply specifically to outdoor areas of your school, like fences and gates.

In fact, your outdoor areas are often the first parts of the school that prospective families and Ofsted inspectors see. So it’s important to ensure your improvement budget takes these areas into account.

Your fences can be colourful and vibrant, with images, text and even your school logo and motto. Use your fences to welcome visitors and give a glimpse of life at your school to prospective families in your local area.

School library

Your school library offers a safe space for pupils to relax and experience the lifechanging magic of reading. In fact, children who read for pleasure are proven to be happier!

The more enticing your library is, the more pupils will want to spend time there. Create a magical space for reading with a literacy based mural, bright furnishings and lots of lovely books. If you’re looking for school decoration ideas for your library that require zero upkeep and last many years, Wall Art is ideal.

Your Wall Art can feature setbooks from your curriculum in an awe inspiring design. Or, use nature as a backdrop to improve wellbeing and create a beautiful calm space for reading.

inspiring libraries


Many schools don’t realise that their stairwells are the prime location for school decoration ideas!

Think about it – stairwells see heavy footfall every day. And they usually have lots of unused wall space that’s perfect for decorative murals. You can use your stairwells to inspire learning in curriculum subjects, feature inspirational people or promote positive thinking.

Dull, drab stairwells are a thing of the past. These days, savvy schools are transforming their stairwells into beautiful visual learning areas.

Holy Family stairwell wall art


Large maps are ideal for covering unsightly areas and dull walls anywhere in your school.

You could feature your local area, region, country or even a world map. Add flags of the world to your design to help pupils remember these at exam time. Some schools combine world maps with environmental awareness messages and images of the natural world. In this way, pupils can learn about the world and understand how and why to protect it.

Maps work well on a wall space anywhere in your school (or out!). Pupils will be drawn to a large map mural and engage with the content at their own pace.

Maps aren’t just a beautiful school decoration idea, they’re a powerful learning aid too.

Geography classroom displays

School decoration ideas continued…

Check out our case studies for hundreds of school decoration ideas across a range of topics and areas. Or browse our Ideas Book for inspiration and tips on how to bring your next Wall Art project to life.

We offer a fully consultative service, which includes a free consultation, design, print and installation of your Wall Art.

Get in touch to find out more…






education trends for 2025

Wall Art Trends for 2025

As we bid farewell to the year, we’re exploring education trends for 2025. Our experienced team has compiled these predictions using our vast industry knowledge. We also speak to education leaders every day, which offers valuable insight into what schools will focus on in the coming year.

Get a free on-site consultation

We’ll visit your school to understand your goals, explain our process and provide you with a no-obligation quote.

Or call 020 7404 3400



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